*Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. Select brands and items are excluded. Sale prices are as marked. Alterations are not included in the sale price. Offer not valid on previous purchases, balances, special orders, pre-orders, made-to-measure, or gift cards. Applicable returns will be subtracted from the qualified submitted sales. Sale is valid in Philadelphia, Ardmore and online. Prices as marked.
*Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. Select brands and items are excluded. Sale prices are as marked. Alterations are not included in the sale price. Offer not valid on previous purchases, balances, special orders, pre-orders, made-to-measure, or gift cards. Applicable returns will be subtracted from the qualified submitted sales. Sale is valid in Philadelphia, Ardmore and online. Pries as marked.
*Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. Select brands and items are excluded. Sale prices are as marked. Alterations are not included in the sale price. Offer not valid on previous purchases, balances, special orders, pre-orders, made-to-measure, or gift cards. Applicable returns will be subtracted from the qualified submitted sales. Sale is valid in Philadelphia, Ardmore and online. Prices as marked.